How to Fix “BAD POOL HEADER” Error on Windows 10

BSOD errors are one of the most frequent and troublesome ones on the Windows system. It causes your PC to constantly restart and prevents you from entering the system. Here we are providing various troubleshooting steps for “BAD_POOL_HEADER BSOD” error while working on Windows 10:
Method 1: Removing Dell Sonic Global VPN
VPN programs are useful for various Windows, but if you are using “Dell Sonic Global VPN,” then it can cause issues on your OS.
You may even face the error “BAD_POOL_HEADER BSoD.” We recommend you to delete Dell Sonic VPN in order to troubleshoot this issue.
Method 2: Uninstalling Antivirus Software
In case your antivirus is also infected by malware, then it is advised to delete it instantly and install fresh and secure antivirus software on your system.
It is also recommended to remove the software completely. To do this, you have to download a particular and genuine uninstaller on your system as there are various uninstallers available on the net.
In case you are using McAfee, then you can use the “MCPR” utility to remove it properly. If you have “AVG,” then you need not download any uninstaller tool as AVG has its own Uninstalling utility/ feature.
Method 3: Uninstalling and Installing Wireless Card Driver
  1. First of all, you have to tap Windows + X keys simultaneously and select “Device Manager” available in the menu bar.
  2. When your “Device Manager” expands out, navigate to the wireless network adapter option, and then hit the “Uninstall” tab there.
  3. Once the uninstallation finishes, you should restart your system to save the changes.
Note: It is also recommended to update your adapter driver for smooth functioning. To do this, you have to visit the manufacturer’s site of your product. After getting the compatible one, install it.
Method 4: Updating Driver Automatically
It is always recommended to update your driver automatically by the specific driver updating tool. It will also save your time from manually searching for the driver updater tool.
Method 5: Running BSOD Troubleshooter
Windows 10 provides a built-in troubleshooting tool to fix several issues. It may also fix this issue to some extent. It will remove all variants of PC issues that include “BSOD” errors also. 
Follow these steps to run the troubleshooter:
  1. First of all, launch the “Settings” application.
  2. After that, navigate to the “Update and Security” panel and hit it.
  3. Then, hit go to the left-hand side portion and hit the “Troubleshoot” option there.
  4. Next, tap on “BSOD” located on the right-hand side panel and hit the option “Run the troubleshooter.”
  5. After that, you have to follow onscreen instructions to finish these processes.
Method 6: Performing an SFC Scan
In case you are facing the “BAD_POOL_HEADER BSOD” error, then you may perform SFC scanning on your system. It may troubleshoot this issue by detecting the cause by using the command-line tool. 
 Follow these instructions to run SFC scanning on your system:
  1. First of all, right-click on the “Start Menu” tab and then launch “Command Prompt.”
  2. After that, enter this command and then hit the enter key:
  • Wait for a little for the process to complete. 
Note: It can take some time to process.
  • In case of the solution detected by the computer, it will automatically run this process to troubleshoot the issue.
  • After some time, shut the command prompt and then reboot your system.
Method 7: Running DISM
  1. First of all, right-click on the “Start” menu and then launch “Command Prompt.”
  2. After that, enter the following command and then enter:
  3. “DISM / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth”
  4. Wait for a little for the process to complete.
  5. Finally, Reboot your system.

Billy Sparks is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.


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