How to Backup and Restore Drivers in Windows 10?

Device Drivers are software which allows you to use anything on the PC and the OS. The drivers are available for the graphics card, keyboard, Mouse and many more. Sometimes, it might happen that due to some reasons a device is stopped working, or not responding. In this situation, the user has only one option that to remove the driver and reinstall it. Here in this guide, we provide you with some of the best methods to Backup and Restore Drivers in the Windows 10.
Although, it sounds easy, not every user has their device drivers available right on the Windows PC. You have to download it from OEM or allow the windows to configure it by directly downloading through the updates. There is one solution to this problem is to back up the driver so you can easily use it anytime. And now it becomes very much useful for all the old device for which OEM,s don’t even have the device driver anymore.


Before starting the procedure, get all of these things done, and you also need the Admin license with your accounts. Do not attempt them, unless you are not clear about it. So now start with the Windows inbuilt methods, and also recommend third-party software which has an easy to use interface options.


Here we suggest you use the very popular tool DSIM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) it can be both Import as well as export in bulk. Follow the given steps in ascending order to avoid trouble and save your time and efforts. The steps are mentioned below:
  1. Create a new folder Driver-Backups in your PC
  2. Open Command, prompt with the admin privilege
  3. Now execute the following command:
dism /online /export-driver /destination:”Driver-Backups folder path
A Driver-Backups folder path is a path of the folder, which is created by the admin. If the user has created the folder on their D drive, then the path would be D:\Driver-Backups.
However, it will export all the drivers in your Windows 10 PC in the folder. That indicates that the operation is completed. And also confirm that to keep a backup of that folder in one of your cloud drives.
And the driver services command support only .inf files. The Windows Installer or some other driver package types such as .exe files are not supported on it.
Now here we discuss a lot of tools, although this tool allows you to export all drivers, and it doesn’t help you in installing those drivers back to the windows, and the command has an option /add-driver, it will only work with the Windows 10 ISO image. And if any of the user planning to install ISO then install it by using the following command:
  1. Open Command, prompted with the admin privileges.
  2. Now, Navigate towards Backup Driver Folder.
  3. Implement the following given command:
dism /ISOIMAGENAME /Add-Driver /Driver:”Driver-Backups folder path” /Recurse


It is one of the best methods to install the driver manually. But you will have to do it in a sequence, but in case if something went wrong or incorrect, then you will have an enhanced understanding of what has been caused the problem. And confirm that the path of your Backup-Driver keeps handy.
  1. Open the Device Manager
  2. Right-click on any devices in which you want to install the driver,
  3. Click on the Update driver.
  4. Two options appear on screen, manual and automatic.
  5. Choose to Browse my computer for the driver’s
  6. Now, copy paste the folder path, and choose the options to consist of subfolders.
  7. Click on the Next.
Now, the Device Manager will search for the driver who is easily available for the hardware and also installs it. It is also possible that Windows might have updated it with some new versions. If you want to keep that old one, then you can also do so.


If someone is searching for the easiest way to backup the drivers in Windows 10, then you might have to use the third-party software which can easily do that for you. So this software can easily create a backup and also restore them on the demand of the user.
Free Driver Backup is one of the software which can easily do it for you. Apart from the drivers, it can also help in taking backup of cookies, registry, and other some other important things as well. It also offers recommendations, or you can also select to backup all the drivers. And the process of Restoring is easy.


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