How to Connect Wireless Printer?

In this Digital world, printer always plays a vital role in every person’s life. Generally, printers are of different types but this time let’s talk about a wireless printer and how to set up a wireless printer connection.

Here we provide you every information about how wireless printer works, how they connected to different devices and many more.

About Wireless Printer

A wireless printer includes a wireless adapter which can be easily connected to a wireless network and it also allows all the computers and smart devices to connect to the network for using the printer easily. There are multiple ways for connecting the printers to the different wireless networks, so the below we discussed the methods of connecting the wireless printer.

Steps to Connect the Wireless Printer

The steps we provide in this article are very easy and simple. But try to follow these steps in ascending order to avoid errors and issues. The steps are discussed below:

  1. Place your Wireless Printer within the range of your wireless router.
  2. Now, ‘Power On’ the Printer.
  3. Alternatively, connect the printer to the wireless network.
  4. Add a printer on Windows Computer. For this, follow the below given steps:
  • Open the Control Panel. It is located in the Start Menu options.
  • Choose ‘Views devices and printers’ or Devices and Printers’ option.
  • Click on the ‘Add a Printer’ tab. Located at the top of the screen.
  • Now, choose your Printer by name from the list.
  • If prompted, then install any drivers.

Note: Windows should automatically be able to install drivers for most popular printers.

    5.Add Printer on Mac Computer
  • Click on Apple menu and choose ‘System Preferences.’
  • Now, click on the ‘Print & Scan’ tab.
  • Then, click on the ‘+’ button. Located at the bottom of the list of printers.
  • Finally, select a new printer from the given list and follow the on-screen instruction to install any of the software.
     6.Congratulations! Your wireless printer I now connected and you can now print from your device.

Steps to Print from Android Devices

Sometimes, if you want to take print from your wireless printer and wants to connect your printer from Android devices, then don’t need to worry, in this article we try to provide you few steps by which you can easily connect your wireless printer with android devices. But for connecting the printer, first, you need to set up your printer so that it is connected to the network or a computer.

  1. Firstly, connect your network printer directly to Google Cloud Print.
  2. Then, click to open Chrome.
  3. Click on the Chrome menu button and choose ‘settings’ option.
  4. Click on the ‘Show advanced settings’ link.
  5. Now, scroll down towards the bottom of the menu, and choose Google Print section.
  6. Click on the ‘Manage’ button to open Google Cloud Print Manager.
  7. Click on the ‘Add Printers.’
  8. Now, lists of Printers appear on the screen.
  9. Make sure about your device is selected.
  10. Click on the ‘Add Printers’ option.
  11. Lastly, download the Cloud Print app on your Android device.
  12. Now, easily print from your Android apps.
Steps to Print from iPhone or iPad

For this, you need first to make sure about your printer supports AirPrint or not. Then, follow the procedure given below:

  1. First, open the app from which you want to print.
  2. Now, open the item you want to print.
  3. Press the ‘Share’ button.
  4. Then select ‘AirPrint’ option.
  5. Alternatively, choose your printer and click on the print tab.

Lucia Mandela is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Has passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton security products at


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