How to Fix Low Resolution Issues in Windows 10

Does your Windows 10 PC’s display have a low resolution? It is crucial to have the right screen solution on your Windows 10 device since it assists improved display of icons and other bits and pieces and the clearness of pictures. The higher the screen resolution is, the sharper the images and other stuff on the computer are going to appear. Windows 10 is a critically-acclaimed Operating System by Microsoft. Even though Windows 10 comes with pre-set default DPI settings, at times users may face low resolution issues. The screen resolution decides the text and object size being displayed.  To get the best out of your Windows 10 PC, you need to fix the low resolution issue.


One of the most prevalent reasons behind the low resolution problem is the absence of an updated display driver. Therefore, to get rid of low screen resolution, you must update the graphics driver. Head over to the official website of the graphics card and download the most recent drivers for the system. If the drivers are available for previous Windows versions, then you must install them in Compatibility mode.
  1. After right-clicking on the Setup, choose Properties.
  2. Click on Compatibility from the upper middle section in the Setup Properties window.
  3. Click on the box next to Run this program in compatibility mode.
  4. Hit the Apply button.
  5. Click on OK when prompted.
  6. Hit the Run button to install the drivers.


Your screen resolution could be poor because of incorrect DPI size. The DPI size decides how big or small the icons, and other stuff on the desktop is going to be. You need to ensure that the DPI size is correct.
  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Click on Settings. It has a gear shaped icon.
  3. Click on System. Select Display from the list.
  4. Choose Custom Scaling.
  5. Now, chose the DPI size between 100% to 500%.
  6. Hit the Apply button after entering the custom scaling size.
  7. Reboot the system after that.


Perhaps you have been barking up the wrong tree after all. The issue could be with the Visual Display Unit. Here is how you can update the monitor drivers:
  1. Open the Search option and enter the following text: Device Manager.
  2. When the Device Manager open, go to Monitor.
  3. Select the Monitor and right-click on it.
  4. From the menu, click on Update driver option.
  5. Allow the system to search for driver updates.
  6. Install the updates if they are found.
  7. Reboot the system.


Opposite to the fix mentioned above, the new graphics driver updates might be the reason behind the issue.
  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. In the Search bar, key in the following text: Device Manager. Hit Enter.
  3. When the Device Manager opens, navigate to Display Adapters.
  4. Locate the graphics card and select Properties from the menu after right-clicking on it.
  5. In the pop-up window, click on the Driver tab.
  6. Click on the Roll Back Driver button.
  7. Follow the prompts given on the screen.
  8. Reboot the system.
Lucia Mandela is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Lucia has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as


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