How to Troubleshoot “No Operating System Found” Error Code 1962?

If your computer system creates a problem in booting, don’t worry this is a ordinary issue in Windows 10 OS despite some other device models. Though, there is some frequent glitches that is associated with only Lenovo computers that is error code 1962. This error signifies that “No Operating System Found” which creates irritation among various Lenovo users. Usually, Windows 10 error code 1962 ‘No Operating System Found’ encounters by the Lenovo users at the time of boot, immediately after restarting the computer system. Recently, many Lenovo users have reported the error code 1962 and want to install as soon as possible.
Nevertheless, this type of rumors is somehow conflicting. If in case, Windows 10 1962 “No Operating System Found’ displayed after the installation of Windows 10 or its latest updates, but somewhat it is probably to be a twist of fate. When you ensure that the update or installation of Windows 10 is a reason behind the error, then we suggest you run the Windows analytics at boot or need to do a clean installation of that software. Mostly, the issue arises from either the damaged HDD or SATA cable which is directly attached to the good functioning motherboard and HDD. Therefore, to troubleshoot the error code 1962 ‘, No Operating System Found” you should need to follow some troubleshooting steps which helps you in resolving the error code 1962 without creating any hurdle. The steps are discussed below.
Steps to Troubleshoot “No Operating System Found” Error Code 1962?
Before proceeding further, remember that to avoid trouble you need to follow the steps in the sequence as mentioned below. Otherwise, the process is more difficult to follow and much time-consuming. Here how to fix it:
 Solution-1: Type Computer’s BIOS
  1. Long press Ctrl + Alt + Del tabs altogether.
  2. After that, reboot your computer system.
  3. In order to Change to BIOS, click on the F12 many times.
  4. Now, a ‘Setup written box’ appears on the screen, click on the ‘Enter’ key.
  5. Then, choose ‘Startup button located at the header of the screen and choose CSM option.
  6. Choose and press the ‘Now choose the Turned On option’ tab.
  7. Search for the ‘Boot Priority’ tab and tap on ‘Enter’ key.
  8. Afterward, you need to modify the ‘Legacy First to the UEFI First’ tab.
  9. Once modified, tap the F10 key on the keyboard and choose ‘Yes’ tab.
  10. When completed, your computer system starts rebooting without the Windows 10 error code 1962 ‘No Operating System Found.’
Solution-2: Modify Boot Options
  1. Firstly, long press the ‘Shift’ button on the keyboard and tap on the ‘Shut Down’ tab located at the boot menu of the screen at once.
  2. Long click on the F2 tab and press the ‘Power’ tab. Do Not free the F2 tab till the BIOS screen emerges on the system screen.
  3. When the BIOS launches on the screen, now easily free the F2 button and navigate to the Boot section.
  4. In case, if you unable to boot into the Windows, you need to follow 1-3 instructions from the earlier solution.
  5. Click to launch the ‘Boot ‘ section.
  6. Now, you need to verify the Priority list, if boot drive is not yet scheduled at the top of the screen.
  7. Here you need to shift the boot drive instead of the Windows Boot Manager, DVD Rom or USB HDD.
  8. Click on the ‘Save’ tab to save all the changes and exit all the BIOS option.
  9. Once completed, restart your computer system to save all the changes.
Lucia Mandela is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Lucia has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as

Source: Error Code 1962


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