Destiny 2: Corridors Of Time Puzzle About to be Completed

Destiny 2 is developed by Bungie and published by Activision, and now the game is available for the fans on Xbox, PS 4, and other gaming consoles. The development of Destiny had to face a lot of criticism regarding the gameplay and content of this role-playing video game. The fans were not much satisfied with whatever the developing team of this game has offered them in the game. The hardcore fans of Destiny 2 were started their discontent regarding the several glitches of the game, and they were doubtful regarding the longevity of Destiny 2. Some of the fans stated that there is a lack of difficulty level, and even the ritual weapons introduced in the game were straightforward to obtain for the gamers. The developing team of Bungie paid heed to the complaints of the fans and tried their best to sort out the problems. The team introduced a further expansion in the form of Shadowkeep to make the game more daunting and engaging, but this goes in vain.

                                         Source: Destiny 2: Corridors Of Time Puzzle About to be Completed
Further, Destiny 2 has face criticism over the lack of engaging and challenging quests as the existing ones are straightforward to solve, and many of them are repeating in nature. There was also the lack of rewards and perks when the players successfully obtained the weapons. There was a lack of a long term, which the fans could shoot, and this made the situation even worst. The developing team has now introduced a new puzzle in Destiny 2 to satisfy the hardcore fans of this game, and fans are showing much interest in finding the ways to complete the corridors of time puzzle. It is a very much positive indication for Bungie, which was facing criticism for Destiny, and now it can gain the trust and applause of its fans one again.
How to complete the corridors of time puzzle
Since Corridors of time is a new surprise unveil by the developing team of Bungie, the community is doing everything to solve the mystery. It can be said that they are very close to solving the mystery and may have to find the possible ways to reach the corridors and unlock the doors. The players have to visit Osiris, who is living on Mercury first if they want to solve the puzzle. There, the players have to take on the quest, which will not offer many details; however, it will indicate the players to search for the corridors of time. The task to reach the Corridors and solve the time puzzle is not very difficult. You have to walk through the hallway in a particular order until you reach an end room. You will have to collect an emblem or a bit of lore at the end of the room.
There a dozen codes available, which are part of the Corridors of time puzzle, and you can solve the problem by putting each one by one. If you are feeling a bit confused then, follow the Cauldron symbol and start again after interacting with the dark pillar, which could reset the puzzle back for you. The fans have finally drawn up a map providing a fresh set of symbols that could lead you to solve the mystery. However, the fans are still speculating that what they will get at the end of the quest as some are thinking that they may get the exotic core. Some are also thinking that they may get any unknown solar heavy exotic.
Nelson King is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.


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